View from above by Jason Hawkes

Photographer Jason Hawkes , whose work has been published in the pages of Big Picture, traveled the world with his camera Nikon D3. He rose into the sky by helicopter and did amazing shots, going down to the tethers from the cockpit. In today's collection collected 26 best photo of Jason depicting landscapes of France, Las Vegas, Hong Kong, UK and other places. 

Tomatoes are collected in heaps on the banks of the river Durance in France
Footways in London's Hyde Park.
Landfill Mucking Marshes, the main garbage dump in London.
Fish farms near the town of Ma Wan, Hong Kong, China.
Entertainment Center The Great Sphinx of Giza, the Hotel and Casino Luxor, Las Vegas.
Mast, power transmission lines in the fields near Littlebury, Essex, UK
Forts Munsell. Fortifications built at the mouth of the rivers Thames and Mersey during the Second World War.
New buildings and sites for new housing on the outskirts of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Farmhouse and paddock with sheep at 18 km from Marrakech, Morocco

Gerry Judah – Amazing 3D Paintings

Gerry Judah is a British artist and designer who has created settings for theatre, film, television, museums and public spaces. He has recently returned to his fine art roots with highly acclaimed contemporary paintings exploring the effects of war and environmental catastrophes on the urban landscape which have entered a number of international private and public collections.

Link here

Jason Travis - What's In Your Bag

Persona is a great ongoing series from Atlanta-based photographer Jason Travis. "Person" is the title of a collection of pictures that Jason has taken on ordinary citizens of Atlanta and private property. In each of the photographs is a portrait of the person on the bottom you can see the objects that characterize them and normally carried in pockets or bags.

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